Canary App 2.15.0

Canary app 2.15.0 is available now from the App Store and Google Play. Alongside the usual bug fixes and stability improvements, this update introduces some changes that make it easier for you to control what video and notifications you receive from Canary.
More Control
Since we introduced Person Detection in February, all notifications from Canary have been separated into two basic categories: people, and all other motion. The 2.15.0 app update makes that differentiation easier to understand and gives you more visibility into which notifications you’re receiving from Canary and why. Instead of a 10-point slider, we now have a collection of intuitive configuration options you can set to meet your specific needs.
Previously, all motion detected was recorded, and any movement beyond a certain threshold would trigger an alert. Now, you can also tell Canary if you don’t want to record certain types of video at all, leading to a cleaner timeline.
With these new settings options, Canary devices can be set to record all motion, to record people only, or to not record at all. Additionally, motion alerts can be configured to trigger notifications for all motion, people only, or for nothing.
Finally, Away mode recording and alerts are now fully configurable for all users—allowing you to decide what notifications and video you want your Canary to send or record while you’re away from home. When you first update your Canary app, you’ll be walked through these new settings changes—or you can make the changes at any time from your device’s settings screen.
More meaningful alerts from Canary and a less cluttered timeline allow you to access important information quickly—and keep your home and loved ones safe.
Get in Touch
We love to hear from you, so leave us a note on our Community, or email with your feedback and suggestions on how you’d like us to improve your Canary experience.