First Responder Stops Burglary With Donated Canary Device

Canary devices provide users with the peace of mind that both the people and things they love most are secure. The Canary User Testimonial series will share the unique and incredible instances of this protection from customers across the country.
It was a standard Friday night for Darlington County, South Carolina Firefighter, Travis Amerson – he arrived home late evening after his shift at the firehouse, greeted his wife, two young daughters and began to get ready for bed. Yet, at 10:33pm he received an alert to his cell phone from his Canary home security device that was anything but standard. Someone was trying to break into this home.
Previously reliant on his canine alarm system of two German Shepherds, Amerson was concerned when his dogs weren’t barking but he received a notification from his Canary app that motion was detected. “My wife said, ‘someone’s at the door,’ and we saw him on the Canary app,” said Amerson. He immediately sprang into action.

The intruder had entered the Amerson’s back utility room where he was rifling through Travis’ tools. Travis was able to stop the intruder and force him outside of the house and into the driveway, where he held the intruder at bay while his wife called 911. Authorities then took the intruder into custody at 10:45pm – a mere 15 minutes after the break-in began.
In an incredible instance of fate, just one week before the break-in, Travis had been gifted a Canary home security camera at a local Protect the Protectors donation event – sponsored by Canary and State Farm – in which 250 Canary devices were donated to first responders from the Darlington County Police & Fire Departments to honor their work during Hurricane Florence.
“I’m just grateful State Farm and Canary donated to the Protect the Protectors program. It was a big help,” said Amerson. “I recommend anybody that has them to use it because they’re very helpful.”